It’s Share Our Feelings Day!

(This was originally a Facebook post, but it got rambly) Not gonna lie; my mental health is in the toilet. I’m out of the habit of writing. I struggle to blog. I have no clue how to build my mailing list. I *still* owe hard-copies of the Lady Raven books to...

Hel’s Fury

Transcript: Hel’s Fury podcast, Episode 40, August 20th I ran into the fire. When everyone else fled, bashing past each other and leaping over the fallen, as smoke billowed and people screamed, I ran into the cloud. Into the fire. There’s no ‘normal’ way for a protest...

The Inevitability of J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling is a bigot and a transphobe. This is an undeniable fact. With that out of the way, before I continue, I urge you to check out these responses from transgender people using their platforms to speak out and educate others: JK Rowling Transphobia Explained...

I’m back

The next chapter starts here. Subscribe to my mailing list to get updates as they happen. “The happy ending can’t come in the middle of the story” – Peter S. Beagle, The Last...